Tuesday, 10 August 2010


This is a brilliant idea and one with huge commercial potential. It is an 'invisible' movement and one that would have to be artistically respected but the possibilities are almost endless. Subtlemob is essentially a silent movie where you can get involved as part of the set anonymously. By downloading an mp3 to your phone or ipod prior to the event you are given instructions to meet at a certain place within an urban environment and then await further direction

'Audiences were invited to download an MP3 and turn up at a secret location to listen to the track at a specified time.
On the soundtrack the audience would hear the composed soundtrack along with narration and instructions.

Two MP3 files were made available, so the audience were divided in half. While one group was instructed to perform a simple scene the other group heard this described as if it were a film scene, but they could actually see it happening around them.

Throughout the piece these roles of watcher/performer alternated between the groups, ever increasing in pace until by the end they are all performing/watching simultaneously.

The work was a snapshot image of contemporary Britain, allowing the audience to watch it, reflect on it, and live it. It explored ideas of how mobile technology can create social disconnection in shared public spaces. It also looked for ways to use those same technologies to create connections between strangers and friends, to savour the moment and the temporary space that was created during the performance'.

From the project description…
“When you put on the headphones you’ll find yourself immersed in the cinema of everyday life. As the soundtrack swells people in the crowd around you will begin to re-enact the England of today.
Sometimes you’ll just be drifting and watching, but sometimes you’ll be following instructions or creating the scenes yourself. Don’t worry, there will be nothing illegal or embarrassing, sometimes you might be re-enacting moments you’ve seen in films, sometimes you’ll just be playing yourself.
This is no requiem, this a celebratory slow dance, a chance to savour the world you live in, and to see it with fresh eyes.”

Monday, 9 August 2010

Inspiration Pad

If you’re in search of inspiration, the Inspiration Pad might help. This fun twist on the traditional notepad was created by Marc Thomasset and is available to purchase here.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Reds vs the Greens

I came across this ages ago and this morning it seems to have surfaced in my mind again when I was thinking of something edgy and alternative to post. Originall an ad for Snickers (I think)It's not either really. But I still like it.